My heart’s greatest passion is to convince us that grace is more than a polite way of behaving or a self-rewarded pass, but a profound gamble which alone can bring love into the scene.
Many of us have understood grace as a theological position. But grace is a way of risking a new life. Grace is a way of seeing. It carries a language, which unlocks and frees the heart. It breaks the power of sin and releases our love. As I watch an audience while I’m speaking, I realize God has given me an unusual gift to allow others, in the moment, to taste and see their world repainted with this transforming grace. Nothing brings me more fulfillment.
When you stand with John Lynch Speaks you allow me to go all over the world to speak, shout, and stage whisper this wild message of freedom in Christ. (Most often to those who have never heard how to live-out this grace.) I get to speak, write books, write more books, put on one-man shows and hang out with all manner of folk; eating pie.
I need some of you to urge conveners to invite me to come to venues where I’ve never spoken.
I need some of you to click the ‘support’ button and sell all your patio furniture to help keep me writing and on the road.
Thanks, friends. With all my heart,

About John
John Lynch is a speaker, author, and former pastor. After 27 years as the teaching pastor at Open Door Fellowship in Phoenix, Arizona, John joined Trueface in 1997 and began speaking nationally and both authoring and coauthoring many resources such as The Cure and TrueFaced, and his own story in On My Worst Day.
As an outlet for his love of writing and performing, John co-founded and was both a playwright and actor for Sharkey Productions, a theater troupe focused on Gospel-anchored theater productions for those still seeking Jesus.
John and his wife Stacey have three grown children and a growing troupe of grandchildren.