Learning to Love Your Path

Last time, we were talking about a question that so many of us face. Why am I here? This is not what I was expecting. I had these dreams and visions of being used incredibly for You, God. And here I am stuck in West Sheboygan Falls and it feels like I've been left behind. It feels like I've been left out.

God adores you as much as anyone on this planet. He has not made a mistake. He's not angry at you. It's not because He's trying to teach you some big lesson. It's not because of something you did in the seventh grade. Barring getting you out of situations of sin where you're being hurt or hurting, He has you exactly where He wants you to be for His glory, His purposes, and your best.

If this is true, then you can be in the moment and love and enjoy whoever comes across your path. And now people get loved by you, and you're not doing what you're doing out of shame or regret, or trying to get somewhere else or be good enough. See, the whole thing is summed up in John 13:34, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” (NASB)

God says He is going to give us this one thing we get to do. We get to love others.

And then Paul picks it up and says, “When you get to bear one another's burdens, that's when you're doing it. When you get to be trusted by someone to bear their burdens and care for them, you're actually fulfilling that one thing that Jesus has asked you to do.”

I’ve gotta tell you, there are a lot of megachurch pastors who, once they get into that system, the only thing they can say is, “I just wish I was in a little community where I could love people and be loved by them, where I could see the fruits of my love.” There are great exceptions to this, but many megachurch pastors are running a machine, and after a while, they can't remember what it was that they had shown up for.

You guys, what if it was true that God has not made a mistake regarding you, that He knows where to find you, that He absolutely adores you? It’s not because you’re not good enough that you're not getting what you're expecting. You may not be talented enough to do all things, but He's not putting you in a second-place position because He likes you less or because He likes that person more. If we believed this truth, it would be so life-changing and powerful.

This is how environments of grace get created, by saying, “Father, these are the people who showed up and I get to be amongst them, and I don't get to decide where or who. You do, and I trust You.”

I trust You with me and I will love who You bring across my path. Those are the free and they have no agenda. They just have the gospel. People get loved and they experience love, and they don't spend a lifetime in regret. They are in the moment and they are blessed of all people. You guys, this is not just about small church pastors. This is about all of us. Gosh, for so many years I asked the question, “God, I think I have these talents and gifts. Why am I not…?” And God said, “For one, John, I could see what was going to happen if… and I love you so much that I would not let that happen. Oh, and by the way, I'm very happy with what you've gotten to do.”

And now I'm coming to that place where I'm am able to say, “So am I.” It's a wonderful life, you guys. It really is, and I am so grateful to be on this journey with you.

John Lynch