Undone by His Love
On the day that Jesus went to the cross, did He see you? Yes, He did. When He was on the cross, did He see your face and know your person? Yes, He did. In fact, it's that very reason He chose to go to the cross, isn't it? What an astonishing thought. I was there that day on Calvary.
And somehow, in what time compressed and what time expanded, He had time to fully see who it was He was dying for.
When I say those words, and here we are leading up to Easter weekend, how does Jesus want me to respond? There is a difference between beating yourself up and saying I'm not worthy of that, and I don't know why He did it, and what's wrong with me? In view of that, why haven't I gotten better by now?
It would be great if instead, we could say,
“How did I gain an interest in the Savior's love? Oh my, You are so beautiful. Nobody in this whole world knows how to love me, and You on that day, You established my worth. You gave me a way home. You expressed your love beyond measure and You established my worth, never to be taken away from me, never to be robbed.”
And now He and I are closer than His arm around me, closer than a robe of righteousness around me. Now I walk through life with the same heart, desire, purposes as my Jesus.
Then Sunday comes and no one knew if it would take.
No one but the Father really could tell what ace was up His sleeve — and it worked. Jesus rose from the dead!
Think about it. If it didn't happen probably I wouldn't exist, probably you wouldn't exist, probably all of history would have gotten contorted and twisted and Pottersville (from It’s Wonderful Life, if you haven’t seen that movie, you really should!) would have been the norm… Maybe I would be here, but I wouldn't have this heart to cherish my children the way I get to. I wouldn't have sacrificial moments where I find myself being self-forgetful.
It happened, the cross and the resurrection, and the only real, beautiful, right response to it all is adoration and worship — not beating myself up, not claiming I'll do better, not looking and just trying to be as miserable as I can be on that weekend.
No, we're here now. We get to celebrate. We get to be undone by the fact that it actually happened in our history, on the land that we walk on, in the air that we breathe. Resurrection. Happy resurrection week. Great love, my friends.
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