Created With Limits by a God Whose Love Knows None
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Observing how grace works and lives itself out, causes me to think of this astonishing reality: All of us are created with limitations. Isn’t that crazy to say those words?
God actually created us with limitations.
Why did He do that? For this purpose: So that I would get loved. You see, if I don't have limitations, you don't get to love me, because love is the process of meeting needs. So, if I don't have limitations, if there isn’t some area of need where you get to protect me, then I'm self-sufficient.
The reality is God created me so that I would need you... But I don't want to need you! I don’t want you to know about my weaknesses, and that's the truth. I would like to be able to solve myself. It's embarrassing to have to keep saying to you that I'm messing up, or that there's something weak in me, or that I'm fragile, even though every one of us is fragile, just in different areas. So I need protection in the areas of my fragility. I have a lot of areas to be loved because I have a lot of limitations.
I need protection. Now, protection is not you telling me that I'm great in the middle of my hurt, woundedness, pain or limitation. That doesn't help me. Protection is not you trying to fix me. Protection is you looking into my eyes and saying, “I'm here, and I've got you, and I am not embarrassed. I'm not going away. I’m right here, and you're not too much for me, and I wouldn't change anything about our friendship. In fact, I'm coming closer to you now that you're letting me.” That's sweet stuff, isn’t it, my friend? And what happens when we do this, is -
I get loved more when I tell the truth about myself, not less.
I also need to believe and know that God’s in the middle of this with me. And it's incredible, because, how can He go to a fourth grader's birthday party and laugh and sing and enjoy Himself, and then at the same time be with me in the middle of my stuff, in the middle of my saddest moment? He chooses to take on and experience what I'm going through... I can't wrap my heart around that - it's too big, it's too beautiful.
Many of us have experienced significant trauma early on in our lives. Then, when something happens to us it just beats us up and creates this adrenaline rush that tells us, “I need to get away if I can, to where I can just be with God, in His presence, until I'm absolutely convinced that I'm experiencing His love.” So, we need 30 to 45 minutes for that adrenaline to get out of our system.
That's when we get to let God hold us and whisper to us, “I'm not going away.”
He loves to meet us in that. In fact, He is waiting to meet us in that, He delights to meet us in that. All I have to do is allow myself to step into that. And when I do, my God says, “I see you. I'm not ashamed of you. I'm not disgusted by you. I'm so proud of you, and I'm not going away. I chose you. I allowed you to have this, and I'm right here.”
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